Results for 'Manuel Castells Oliván'

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  1. La base del diálogo= The basis of conversation.Manuel Castells Oliván, Alberto Moncada, Alain Touraine & Edgar Morin - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:83-85.
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  2. Práctica epistemológica y ciencias sociales.Manuel Castells Y. Emilio de Ipola - 1983 - In Manuel Castells & Emilio De Ipola (eds.), Epistemología y ciencias sociales. [México, D.F.]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Carrera de Sociología.
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  3. Internet y la sociedad red.Manuel Castells - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 43:111-113.
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    Metodología y epistemología de las ciencias sociales.Manuel Castells - 1975 - Madrid: Ayuso. Edited by Emilio De Ipola.
  5. Gerçek Sanallık Kültürü.Manuel Castells - 2002 - Cogito 30:212.
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    Critical Education in the New Information Age.Manuel Castells, Ramón Flecha, Paulo Freire, Henry A. Giroux, Donaldo Macedo, Peter McLaren & Paul Willis - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Essays by some of the world's leading educators provide a revolutionary portrait of new ideas and developments in education that can influence the possibility of social and political change. The authors take into account such diverse terrain as feminism, ecology, media, and individual liberty in their pursuit of new ideas that can inform the fundamental practice of education and promote a more humane civil society. The book consolidates recent thinking just as it reflects on emerging new lines of critical theory.
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  7. Creatividad, innovación y cultura digital. Un mapa de sus interacciones.Manuel Castells - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 77:50-52.
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  8. La apropiación de las tecnologías: cultura juvenil en la era digital.Manuel Castells - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 81:111-113.
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  9. (1 other version)Epistemología y ciencias sociales.François Guéry, Manuel Castells & Emilio De Ipola (eds.) - 1980 - Lima, Perú: Ediciones Contemporáneas.
    La epistemología / Guéry, François -- Práctica epistemológica y ciencias sociales, o, Cómo desarrollar la lucha de clases en el plano teórico sin internarse en la metafísica / Catells, Manuel y De Ipola, Emilio.
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  10. Las nuevas fronteras de la metologia sociológica.Manuel Castells - 1983 - In Manuel Castells & Emilio De Ipola (eds.), Epistemología y ciencias sociales. [México, D.F.]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, División Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Carrera de Sociología.
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  11. Comunicación, poder y contrapoder en la sociedad red (I). Los medios y la política.Manuel Castells - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 74:13-24.
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    Internet, libertad y sociedad: una perspectiva analítica.Manuel Castells - 2003 - Polis 4.
    A partir de visualizar Internet como una creación cultural que refleja los principios y valores de sus inventores, analiza cómo Internet y libertad se hicieron para mucha gente sinónimos en todo el mundo, frente a lo cual los estados y las iglesias reaccionaron tratando de restablecer el control administrativo de la expresión y la comunicación. Se plantea luego el dilema de si es controlable Internet, contraponiendo las tecnologías de control y vigilancia a las tecnologías de libertad. Se ponen así en (...)
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    Urban development and regional management in Eastern Europe.Ivan Szelenyi, Karl Marx & Manuel Castells - 1981 - Theory and Society 10 (2):169-205.
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    Manuel Castells, Redes de indignación y esperanza, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, España, 2012, 296 p.José Sánchez Parga - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    Manuel Castells: un elogio emocional e inofensivo de las movilizaciones de protestaCuatro observaciones preliminares sirven para enmarcar una lectura crítica de la obra reciente de Manuel Castells, Redes de indignación y esperanza. En primer lugar este género de elogio exaltado e inofensivo de las movilizaciones de protesta actuales en el mundo ha dado lugar en muy poco tiempo a una amplia literatura, pero también ha suscitado no pocas críticas, ya que se trata por general de estudios (...)
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    Immigrant Workers and Class Struggles in Advanced Capitalism: the Western European Experience.Manuel Castells - 1975 - Politics and Society 5 (1):33-66.
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    Globalización, Estado y sociedad civil: El nuevo contexto histórico de los derechos humanos.Manuel Castells - 2000 - Isegoría 22:5-17.
    La globalización es la palabra clave de la transformación estructural que está sufriendo nuestro mundo. Sufriendo es el término adecuado. aún reconociendo el extraordinario desarrollo tecnológico y económico que estamos viviendo en las sociedades desarrolladas, porque el proceso de cambio se presenta para la mayoría de las personas como ajeno, incontrolable e inevitable. De ahí que hayan surgido fuertes reacciones defensivas y movimientos críticos contra el proceso de globalización. Y una de esas críticas se refiere al desarrollo unidimensional de la (...)
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  17. Carol Armstrong and Catherine de Zegher, eds. Women Artists in the Millennium (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006), xx+ 450 pp. $40.00/£ 25.95 cloth. David P. Billington and David P. Billington, Jr. Power, Speed, and Form: Engineers and the Making of the Twentieth Century (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006), xxv+ 270 pp. $29.95/£ 18.95 cloth. [REVIEW]Manuel Castells, Mireia Fernández-Ardevol, Jack Linchuan Qiu, Conal Condren, Stephen Gaukroger & Ian Hunter - 2007 - The European Legacy 12 (7):929-931.
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    Flujos de Poder y Poder de Los Flujos: Análisis de Una Fórmula Central de Manuel Castells.Esteban Torres - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 14:193-223.
    En el presente artículo analizo la principal fórmula del poder de Manuel Castells asociada con su noción de flujo, y una de las piezas centrales de su teoría sociológica del poder a partir de 1986: el vínculo entre flujos del poder y poder de los flujos. Se trata de una forma conceptual no definida por el autor, llamativamente críptica e inasible, a la vez que absolutamente clave para la comprensión de su visión contemporánea del poder y del Estado. (...)
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  19. End of Millennium. By Manuel Castells.A. Pym - 2004 - The European Legacy 9:410-410.
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    Theory, technology and cultural power an interview with Manuel castells.Joanne Roberts - 1999 - Angelaki 4 (2):33 – 39.
  21. Le pouvoir de l'identite: L'ere de l'information. By Manuel Castells.M. G. P. Koury - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (7):759.
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  22. The space of flows and timeless time-Manuel Castells's The Information Age.Simon Bromley - 1999 - Radical Philosophy 97:6-17.
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    The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture (3 vols.) Manuel Castells.Noel Castree - 2000 - Historical Materialism 7 (1):241-256.
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    Castells versus Bell: A comparison of two grand theorists of the information age.Alistair S. Duff - 2023 - European Journal of Social Theory 26 (1):90-108.
    Daniel Bell (1919–2011) and Manuel Castells (1942–) are the grand theorists of the information age. The article provides a detailed, up-to-date, comparative analysis of their writings. It begins with their methodologies, identifying numerous commonalities in their post-Marxian frameworks. The substance of their theories is then examined, where it is shown that both plausibly explain contemporary social reality in terms of the interplay of three forces: the information technology revolution, the restructuring of capitalism and the innovational role of culture. (...)
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    A política na sociedade do conhecimento.Odílio Alves Aguiar - 2007 - Trans/Form/Ação 30 (1):11-24.
    O artigo enseja discutir os dilemas e as possibilidades da política na atual configuração societária. Partiremos da definição de sociedade do conhecimento como sociedade em rede apresentada pelo sociólogo Manuel Castells e, em seguida, exporemos os conceitos arendtianos de totalitarismo e ação, importantes para uma reflexão sobre a política nos dias atuais. Abordaremos as implicações da questão judaica na teoria política arendtiana, na qual sobressai uma perspectiva agônica do poder, isto é, o poder não como lugar das forças (...)
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    A Political Economy of New Times?: Critical Reflections on the Network Society and the Ethos of Informational Capitalism.Barry Smart - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (1):51-65.
    Situating Manuel Castells's three-volume work, The Information Age, within a broad tradition of classical social theory that has sought to come to terms with the emergence of new forms of social, economic and cultural life, critical consideration is given to a series of concerns, including questions of analytic perspective and in particular the relevance of the work of Marx; the concept of the network society; the movement from production to consumption as the primary medium through which individuals are (...)
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    Inequality and Mobilization in The Information Age.Frank Webster & Abigail Halcli - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (1):67-81.
    This article focuses on Manuel Castells's claim that the information age announces major changes in stratification and, accordingly, in social and political mobilization. His assertion that informational labour displaces generic labour in informational capitalism is examined in terms of its conceptual and historical accuracy, and questions are raised about the notion of meritocracy embedded in his depiction of informational labour. The idea that the network society is characterized by `a faceless collective capitalist' is also called into question by (...)
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    Information as a Factor Regulating and Deregulating Markets. A Case Study of the Dot.Com Crisis, the Lehman Brothers Crisis and the Sars-Cov2 Pandemic.Mariola Kinal & Jarosław Kinal - 2022 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67 (1):425-440.
    Present, as Manuel Castells (1996) notes, we live in the information age. Knowledge and the way it is acquired and processed are the driving forces of the economy, and information processing systems are the strength of economies. The aim of this article is to identify the key role of the information supply phenomenon in contemporary socio-economic processes. The initial part of the article will define such concepts as: information, infodemia, information market, in the further part examples of the (...)
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    Induction into educational research networks: The striated and the smooth.Naomi Hodgson & Paul Standish - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (4):563–574.
    Educational research as an academic field can be understood as a network or group of networks and, therefore, to consist of interconnected nodes that structure the way the field operates and understands its purpose. This paper deals with the nature of the induction of postgraduate students into the network of educational research that takes place through research methods courses, the textual domain, the professional and social practices involved in collaboration, conferences and publication. The consideration of this in the light of (...)
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    Aspectos da plataformização educacional na educação básica brasileira.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke & Marcelo Santos Feijó - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10:418-437.
    Vivemos nos desdobramentos daquilo que Manuel Castells (2005) nomeou de Sociedade em Rede, em cujo cerne estão as Tecnologias de Informação (TIs). Ele indicou as características-chave do novo cenário que diagnosticou, a saber, são tecnologias que agem sobre a própria informação e que também introduziram a lógica das redes; que promovem a convergência tecnológica e, por conseguinte, um sistema altamente integrado de aparatos técnicos; e que acentuadamente penetram pelos diferentes processos e âmbitos sociais. De lá para cá testemunhamos (...)
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  31. The Post-Cinematic Gesture: Redhack.Ekin Erkan - 2020 - Zapruder World 6.
    Over the last thirty years, once staunchly film history scholars such as Thomas Elsaesser, Jane Gaines, Siegfried Zielinski, André Gaudreault and Benoît Turquety (to name just a few) have abandoned history for historiography and film studies for media archaeology. Considering the heightened attention given to kulturtechnik (Siegert), the database as a dominant symbolic metaphor,1 and the decentered networked tenants of the postmodern global present, cinema is taking on the characteristics of new media, existing in increasingly intertextual space. Thus, the term (...)
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    La homogeneidad del pluralismo.Martha Palacio Avendaño - 2005 - Astrolabio 1:114.
    Como respuesta a las inquietudes que deja el debate sobre el pluralismo cultural en el marco del Forum de las culturas 2004, celebrado en Barcelona, el artículo presenta la tesis de que la pluralidad cultural responde más a la lógica del mercado que a un esfuerzo denodado por comprender la dinámica de la diversidad cultural. En este sentido, los esfuerzos por pensar el pluralismo cultural en el marco del evento, por argumentar en contra de tesis como las del choque de (...)
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    Lo local: ámbito de contención de la globalización “perversa”.José Carpio Martín & Antonio Elizalde - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 22.
    Se escribe que el tiempo y el espacio han perdido su significado tradicional. Por eso Manuel Castells habla de nueva Era y Alain Touraine de ruptura. El Norte está cada vez más disperso y fragmentado y el Sur también. Podría decirse que ahora hay muchos Nortesy muchos Sures. Por eso hay visiones tan distin­tas del intenso e imprevisible proceso iniciado hace apenas tres décadas. Nadie sabe hacia dónde nos va a conducir el proceso de cambio en esta nueva (...)
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    Deciphering Information Technologies: Modern Societies as Networks.Nico Stehr - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (1):83-94.
    This essay advances two sets of critical observations about Manuel Castells's suggestion and detailed elaboration of the idea that modern society from the 1980s onwards constitutes a network society and that the unity in the diversity of global restructuring has to be seen in the massive deployment of information and communication technologies in all spheres of modern social life. The criticism attends to the possibility that the emphasis on the social role of information technologies in advanced society amounts (...)
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    Movimientos sociales en la era de las redes sociales.Daria Peña - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 19:180-196.
    Es evidente que los movimientos sociales no son los mismos desde la aparición de las redes sociales. Estas han revolucionado definitivamente la forma en la que nos expresamos, comunicamos y organizamos. Sin embargo, son una herramienta de doble filo. En este ensayo analizo las principales características de los movimientos sociales en la era de las redes, principalmente, desde dos perspectivas: la de Manuel Castells y la de Byung-Chul Han, a fin de determinar si estos están experimentando un desarrollo (...)
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    Après le boom de la net-économie.Geert Lovink - 2003 - Multitudes 1 (1):107-118.
    The essay looks into the world of the Internet after the dotcom crash. It investigates the ways in which libertarian gurus and leading business journals responded to the April 2000 downfall of the NASDAQ. Also it reviews the latest work of Manuel Castells, The Internet Galaxy, and looks into the ambivalent position of Castells towards « real » Sillicon Valley and the « bubble » dotcoms.
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    Subjetividad En la Era de Las Redes Sociales.Jorge E. Linares Salgado - 2018 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 15:123-155.
    Este artículo cuestiona filosóficamente, a partir de las tesis de Günther Anders, el uso masivo de las redes sociales y la forma en que configuran la subjetividad y la intersubjetividad, particularmente en cuanto a los efectos cognitivos sobre la verdad, las creencias y la objetividad. El uso intensivo y compulsivo de las redes sociales ha permitido una comunicación casi instantánea y una sociedad presta a la observación y vigilancia de todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana y de la política; (...)
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    The Importance of Bohdan Jałowiecki's Achievements in Science and Practice of Socio-Economic Life.Iwona Sagan - 2024 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 56 (2-4):153-157.
    The article analyses the scientific work of Bohdan Jałowiecki, highlighting his influence on the development of interdisciplinary urban studies in Poland. By integrating elements of sociology, geography and spatial planning, Jałowiecki contributed significally to the internationalisation of Polish scientific thought, including the intoduction of the French concepts of Henri Lefebvre and Manuel Castells. The introduction of the idea of social production of space and rational electicism in research methodology allowed for a deeper understanding of socio-spatial processes. The article (...)
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    Network Democracy and the Fourth World.Kenneth L. Hacker - 2002 - Communications 27 (2):235-260.
    This analysis builds on the arguments of Manuel Castells, Jan Van Dijk and others who describe the emergence of network societies and networked global communication, economics, and political communication. Research has shown that those who are building communication networks that have political significance are also able to create new contacts, retrieve useful political information, distribute and discuss retrieved information with others, and establish contacts with various centers of power that provide them with new channels of access and political (...)
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  40. Globalization: key thinkers.Andrew Jones - 2010 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Introduction: thinking about globalization -- Systemic thinking: Immanuel Wallerstein -- Conceptual thinking: Anthony Giddens -- Sociological thinking: Manuel Castells -- Transformational thinking: David Held and Anthony McGrew -- Sceptical thinking: Paul Hirst and Grahame Thompson -- Spatial thinking: Peter Dicken and Saskia Sassen -- Positive thinking: Thomas Friedman and Martin Wolf -- Reformist thinking: Joseph Stiglitz -- Radical thinking: Naomi Klein, George Monbiot and Subcommandante Marcos -- Revolutinary thinking: Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri -- Cultural thinking: Arjun Appadurai (...)
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    Luces y sombras en el escenario de la globalización.Josep Pradas - 2005 - Astrolabio 1:133.
    Entre el 26 y el 29 de julio de 2004 se llevó a cabo en el Forum de Barcelona un diálogo sobre el tema de la globalización, orientado especialmente a interpretar los conflictos que la globalización genera entre la diversidad y la identidad culturales. Estuvo dirigido por Manuel Castells y se presentó bajo el título genérico ¿Globalización, identidad y diversidad¿. En este artículo vamos a considerar, por un lado, los elementos conceptuales que aparecieron en la discusión de estos (...)
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  42. Raum und Zeit in der globalisierten Welt.Béla Mester - 2009 - Synthesis Philosophica 24 (1):131-139.
    In der umfangreichen Literatur zur Globalisierung gehen die Autoren gemeinhin von der These aus, dass die Konzepte von ‘Raum’, ‘Zeit’ und ‘Selbst’ in den letzten Jahrzehnten im Rahmen des Globalisierungsprozesses eine drastische Veränderung durchgemacht haben. Der vorliegende Text bietet eine Analyse verschiedener zur Debatte stehender Themen, wobei die genannten Begriffe metaphorisch gebraucht werden. Die Analyse konzentriert sich zunächst auf die berühmten von Manuel Castells eingeführten Begriffe ‘Raum der Ströme’ und ‘zeitlose Zeit’ sowie auf den eher klassischen Terminus des (...)
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    Man in Digitized Urban Socio-Cultural Space.I. V. Hurova & Y. V. Shkurov - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 24:75-87.
    _Purpose._ This article seeks to analyze the transformation of culture and social relations in cities amidst the digital transformations of space and everyday practices. _Theoretical basis._ The research is anchored in the theoretical foundations provided by Manuel Castells and Marshall McLuhan, both of whom delve deeply into the intricacies of the information society and the interactions between humans and technologies. Our analysis also relies on contributions from urbanists and experts in the "Smart Cities" domain, augmenting our study with (...)
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  44. The Fourth World and Politics of Social Identity in Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam Trilogy.Ali Salami, Fatemeh Bornaki & Maryam Masoumi - 2019 - Journal of World Sociopolitical Studie 4 (3):731-761.
    With the advent of the 21st century, the way characters and identities interact under the influence of dominant powers has brought a new world into existence, a world dubbed by Manuel Castells as the ‘Fourth World’. Within the Castellsian theoretical matrix of the Fourth World and politics of identity, the present study seeks to investigate the true nature of the futuristic world Margaret Atwood has created in the MaddAddam trilogy. The trilogy literarily reflects a global crisis that ultimately (...)
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    Nexus Between Social Media and Democratization: Evidence From 2015 General Elections in Nigeria.Isiaka Abiodun Adams & Maryam Omolara Quadri - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (1):111-132.
    This study examines the link between social media networks and democratization process by focusing on the 2015 General Electionsin Nigeria. Relying on Manuel Castells’ network theory and empirical fieldsurvey, the paper investigates the prevalent conditions that have nurtured SMNsparticipation in Nigeria’s democratic space and the challenges and prospects ofsocial media as catalysts for deepening democracy in the country. The paperasserts that although social media remains veritable tools for democraticconsolidation worldwide, the salience and impact are still at the nascentstage (...)
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    Restless ideas: contemporary social theory in an anxious age.Anthony M. Simmons - 2020 - Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing.
    Restless Ideas is a lively new textbook of contemporary social theory that speaks directly to the anxious age in which we live today. In addition to providing a highly readable guided tour of major social theories from the mid-20th to the early 21st century, this book is full of dynamic examples that show how these theories may be used to deepen our understanding of current events and of our own life experiences. The emergence of demagogic political leaders like Donald Trump (...)
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    fl'neur de Benjamin como esqueumorfismo del hacker contemporáneo.Helena Maldonado Goti - 2023 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 8 (1):1-13.
    Este artículo retoma la potencia de la figura del flâneur que Walter Benjamin toma de Charles Baudelaire a la luz de los efectos que han tenido los desarrollos de la tecnología en las grandes urbes contemporáneas. Analiza algunos de los senderos explorados por autores como Steven Shaviro, Manuel Castells y Katherine Hayles en torno al desarrollo de Internet y la inteligencia artificial, con el fin de actualizar algunas de las inquietudes y fabricaciones que Benjamin nos heredó para poder (...)
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    Memorias sobre medio siglo: de la Contrarreforma a Internet.Carlos París - 2006 - Barcelona: Ediciones Península.
    La historia personal y profesional de Carlos París discurre al hilo de la convulsa historia de España del último medio siglo, y la narra con una honestidad de la que muy pocos pueden hacer gala. Así, sin ira y sin tapujos, describe, por ejemplo, cómo pasó de una adhesión inicial a presupuestos falangistas a ser candidato del PCE, valorando cada etapa y cada motivo de cambio con un gran sentido crítico. Por su pluma desfilan también personajes fundamentales en la vida (...)
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    (1 other version)Global Islamism and World Society.Jörg Friedrichs - 2013 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2013 (163):7-38.
    ExcerptCosmopolitan world society is a successful and widely shared political project. It is shared by decision makers pursuing liberal agendas of democratization and prosperity while prosecuting criminal and terrorist deviance. It is also shared by leading social thinkers, such as Ulrich Beck, Manuel Castells, Francis Fukuyama, David Held, and Niklas Luhmann. Even the proverbial “man on the street” shares the vision of cosmopolitan world society when (s)he refuses to interpret deviance from “universal” values in any terms other than (...)
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    Do crepúsculo dos ídolos à adoração do cotidiano: ciberespaço e idealização do mundo virtual.Adriano Martins das Dores Costa - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 23 (1).
    Resumo: O avanço da internet propiciou uma situação em que a visibilidade que alguns indivíduos, grupos e entidades alcançam dentro de determinados círculos, e até mesmo em todo o globo, tem chegado a níveis de idolatria e reverência que só podem ser comparadas a um culto, uma religião ou seita. Essa construção de significados é processada através da chamada “autocomunicação de massa”, termo cunhado por Manuel Castells, na qual os próprios indivíduos estabelecem quem possui algum tipo de poder. (...)
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